Feed on feeds


Papa Scott pointed in one of his Quicklinks to Feed on Feeds, a server-sided RSS aggregation program, that is written in PHP and SQL, running on your webserver. I have to state this program is really great, and fits best in my workflow. Ok, the GUI isn’t that nice, maybe ugly, but the prog works like a charm.

I put FoF on into my webspace (surely in a restricted access area) and use it for three or four days now. One of my biggest problems, sharing the feedlist on different working locations is now past. OK, Amphetadesk with some extensions from Brian Cantoni can share OPML-Subscriptionlists via FTP… with FoF there is no need for this. All your feeddata, your feedcache and lists live on the webserver. So it can be reached from anywhere to anyone I grant access. That’s cool.

All feeds can be accessed via a control panel, can be shown as »new items«, »new today« or feed by feed. Articles and complete feeds can be flagged as read. The update process can be started by click or regulary (using a cron job). There is a »Subscripe this site«-bookmarklet and autosubscription is supported. You can import feedlist as OPML, FoF ate my 120 heavy feedlist (from AmpDesk) without any problems.

I’ve tested some aggregators the last months and this one is truly the most ugly but the best working one so far.

Download is here.

SourceForge Projectpage (Thanks.)

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