Some truth


Horst Prillinger (for if that’s his real name, who knows ***g) states here something logically everybody should know and keep in mind… a generally truth about web, weblife and weblogs can be easyly extracted from this:

I was talking generally about people assuming a certain persona when they are writing weblogs, and how we can’t be sure that we really know a person just by reading their weblog. If you’ve been reading this weblog for a while now, you may think you know me, but can you really be sure? Do you even know my favourite food? Where I was born and grew up? How many brothers and sisters I have? Whether struggles with my siblings have left me with some deep, dark, psychological trauma? Whether I’m straight or gay? How many of the things that I write about actually happened, and which ones I merely invented?

So, be careful about what you’ll believe. Maybe that’s all a trick. To my beloved readers: couchblog is not. It’s all true.

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