

brickbybrickIt’s a rainy afternoon In 1990 The big city geez it’s been 20 years- Candy-you were so fine

Beautiful beautiful Girl from the north You burned my heart With a flickering torch I had a dream that no one else could see You gave me love for free

Candy, candy , candy I can’t let you go All my life you’re haunting me I loved you so

Candy, candy , candy I can’t let you go Life is crazy Candy baby

Yeah, well it hurt me real bad when you left I’m glad you got out But I miss you I’ve had a hole in my heart For so long I’ve learned to fake it and Just smile along

Down on the street Those men are all the same I need a love Not games Not games

Candy, candy, candy I can’t let you go All my life you’re haunting me I loved you so Candy, candy , candy I can’t let you go Life is crazy I know baby Candy baby

Uou uou uou Candy, candy, candy I can’t let you go All my life you’re haunting me I loved you so

Candy candy candy Life is crazy Candy baby

Candy baby, Candy, candy

Iggy Pop feat Kate Pierson, Brick by Brick, 1990

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