Security: who's to blame?


Good read, but does it help?

When a worm like Mydoom commandeers home PCs and creates a massive denial-of-service attack, the industry and even some tech-savvy users blame the victims for the problem. They say that consumers should have known that an e-mail with a .zip file attachment that was addressed from a friend and passed by their antivirus defenses without a problem was a worm. And that the HTML-formatted message that looked for all the world like a Microsoft Web site page was actually a phishing scam to steal their passwords, or a ploy to install Trojan horses or spyware. The attitude is, “You clicked on that? You moron!”

Think Outside The Gates - Computerworld

That’s right, that’s what is happening. Like the banner offering an “IQ Test”. If you’ve clicked, the dialer is yours, and you didn’t passed the test. How many times have you asked a friend: “But why the hell did you clicked ok?!”

On the other hand, we can’t wait until the companies build better consumer-PC’s (secure ones) or hell freezes over. So instead of blaming the user, maybe the user should be teached to ship around all the gaps of daily internet life. Maybe the “PC Driving License” some german blogger are favouriting could be the right way. Could be teached online. Or (for really spreading the word) exchanged via file-sharing-networks, camouflaged as the newest “Janet-Jackson-shows-her-boobs-video” (interesting: seems that the dullest DAU can handle file-sharing).

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