Dreaming of...


… a perfect weblog-system.

The perfect weblog system (in my dreams) works like this: when you start the computer (or this could be done automatically i.e. at 6 o’clock in the morning) it connects itself automatically to the internet and immediately starts to download:

  1. my new emails and newsletters
  2. the RSS-feeds (flagged as ‘morning-readings’)
  3. the webpages (flagged as ‘morning-readings’)

The (surely) automatically started RSS-Feed-Reader pops up first. It is connected with my blogging-software, so, if I find an interesting read that’s worth to be blogged, a click on ‘blog this’ opens a) the source page of the article and b) my blogging program in editiing mode, marked text passages are inserted as blockquotes and the URL of the article is auotblogged. The same way goes the morning-reading webpages, viewed with my webbrowser which is extended with the same functionality. Both ways, when I blog something, another program scans the requested URLs and checks for further readings in other blogs or the web and passes the related adresses in a pop-up-window, together with some reachable information about the author of the original entry.

These automatic processes named ‘morning-reading’ is highly configurable and can be repeated over the whole day under different names (for instance: ‘noon-reading’) and under different configurations. The feedreading program however is working always in background checking for updated feeds and displays them automatically if needed (and wanted).

Another related program is the email client. It can have special adress-groups for notication of new blogged content. It also has a plugin that uses semantic-web-features. And it is completely spam-resistant, uups, no that’s another dream.

Other functionality in the dream-blooging-system are:

  • automated referrer-tracking for my blogs, displayed on the desktop if wished
  • content archiving system, webbased and on the client

All these features are put together in one extensible program, which can be extended by myself e.g. tied to other programs running on my computer (wordprocessor, audioplayer etc.). This all would be nice. Go! Program it!

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