Safari/WebKit WebInspector
Bei Surfin’ Safari wird ein neuer Webinspector für die WebKit nightly builds angekündigt, der mit einer ganzen Latte neuer Funktionen aufwartet, die einem aber irgendwie auch bekannt vorkommen:
- Completely redesigned interface, no longer a transparent panel
- Works with any WebView inside third-party applications, not just Safari
- Supports docking to the inspected page
- Shows all resources included by the page, sorted into categories
- Global search through all text-based resources
- Console to show errors and warnings with live JavaScript evaluation
- Network panel showing resource load timeline along with HTTP request and response headers
- Resource size and load time summary graph in the Network panel
- Syntax highlighted HTML source
- Inline JavaScript and HTML error reporting
Yepp, ziemlich Firebug-a-like, natürlich.
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