Market Square Heroes


Marillion - Market Square Heroes (Real Audio)

I found smog at the end of my rainbow I found my thoughts shift slowly into phase Declared the constitution of the walkway I realise it’s time to plan the day

I’m a Market Square hero gathering the storms to troop Cause I’m a Market Square hero speeding the beat of the street pulse Are you following me, are you following me? Well suffer my pretty warriors and follow me

I got a golden handshake that nearly broke my arm I left the ranks of shuffling graveyard people I got rust upon my hands from the padlocked factory gates Silent chimneys provide the silent steeples

Cause I’m a Market Square hero gathering the storms to troop Cause I’m a Market Square hero speeding the beat of the street pulse Are you following me, are you following me? Well suffer my pretty children and follow me, follow me

I am your Antichrist show me allegiance, Are you following me? I am your Antichrist pledge to me defiance, Are you following me? Suffer my pretty warriors, Suffer my fallen child, Are you following me? The time has come to conquer and I’ll provide your end We march

I give peace signs when I wage war in the disco I’m the warrior in the ultra violet haze Armed with antisocial insecurity I plan the path of destiny from this maze

Cause I’m a Market Square hero gathering the storms to troop Cause I’m a Market Square hero speeding the beat of the street pulse Are you following me, are you following me? Well suffer my fallen angels and follow me I’m the Market Square hero, I’m the Market Square hero We are Market Square Heroes, to be Market Square Heroes

Marillion (“Script For A Jesters Tear”, 1983)

Ein wunderbares Stück Musik. Alles andere dazu habe ich schon einmal aufgeschrieben.

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