MT-Do Test, MT 2.64


At first some test…

4th Dan Black Belt

Your real career as a scholar of MT-Do, and an effective teacher to both experienced and novices have begun. MT-Do is now more a way of life, than a practice.

Take the MT-Do test

Via: Just a lascivious geek.

Second: there is an upgrade waiting: Movable Type 2.64 released:

This is a maintenance release, fixing various CSS, XML-RPC, UI, and Creative Commons errors. This release also plugs a number of cross-site-scripting (script injection) holes for search queries, comments, TrackBacks, and notifications, and is recommended for anyone using any of these features. We have also improved the options for available RSS templates–in addition to the RSS 1.0 template that we have always provided, the default templates now include an RSS 2.0 template instead of a 0.91 template. Also in the default templates, this release fixes the rendering of the default stylesheet (»Clean«) on Windows Internet Explorer. The full changelog lists the changes and fixes in 2.64.

Download here. Via Haiko Hebig.

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