Mozilla 1.3beta


Mozilla 1.3beta released…

  • Image auto sizing allows a user to toggle between full-sized images and images sized to fit the browser window.
  • Mozilla Mail’s junk-mail classification is mostly complete. Users can now automatically move junk mail to a spam folder.
  • Users can now »dynamically« switch profiles.
  • This release of Mozilla marks the kickoff of a research project to apply machine learning to improve the browser’s autocomplete feature. The project’s first phase needs as many Mozilla users as possible to participate in collecting data. All you need to do is turn on a pref, use this build for daily browsing for a couple of weeks, zip up a data file on your local drive, and submit it online.
  • … plus some minor additions and bugs fixed…

Mozilla is still available for Win32, Linux and certainly MacOS X (maybe you’ve forgotten this while being on a safari-trip…;)

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