PHP, Amsterdam, MT, Tokyo and more


Yesterday we had a talk about programming dates and times in relation with blogroll parsing. As an addition, I found this article with easy examples about using date and time in PHP and MySQL.

BTW: The PHP 2003 Conference - Spring Edition will be on 8th and 9th of May in Amsterdam. Maybe we’ll meet there (not on the conference, I’m still not geeky enough for such an event – but maybe at the Bluebird, my favourite you-know-what-shop near »Waterlooplein«… be my guest…)

Talking about traveling… Ben & Mena Trott will visit Tokyo this week (lucky them) and there will be a Tokyo Movable Type Users Gathering. Wow! [via: Antipixel]

Ever thought about, why JAVA is better than .net? Here’s the answer. (The link is a bit outdated, but I had to read it first.)

PHP again: as it becomes more and more a full capable programming language maybe you want to fresh your skills in working with files under PHP. There is a very cool articleseries over at O’Reilly: Working with Files in PHP, Part Two and Part Three (to be continued).

And (at least): Mark Pilgrim is in a really bad mood today…

I know, I know, XHTML 2.0 isn’t meant to be backwardly compatible. But damn it, I’ve done everything the W3C has ever recommended. I migrated to CSS because they told me it would work better with the browsers and handheld devices of the future, then the browsers and handheld devices of the future came out and my site looked like shit. I migrated to XHTML 1.1 because they told me to use the latest standards available, and it bought me absolutely nothing except some MIME type headaches and (I am not making this up) Javascript incompatibilities. I migrated to semantic markup that has been around for 10 fucking years and they go and drop it. Not deprecate it slowly over time, mind you, but just fucking drop it. Which means that, after keeping up with all the latest standards, painstakingly marking up all my content, and validating every last page on my site, I’m still stuck in a dead end.

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