Mozilla Bug

Thema: - More on the bug in Mozilla 1.2

Asa Dotzler, from the Staff,in the netscape.public.mozilla.general newsgroup. His reply is response to a question from someone asking if the bug was related to security.

Nope. It’s a failing where you mouse over a DHTML menu and it doesn’t fly out (or similar). The builds are still available but why encourage people to get them when they can wait a day or two and get builds that don’t have this bug (which unfortunately affects a few high-profile sites like and others). It’s not security related, it’s not a crash or hang and it’s not dataloss. It’s just a bug that we’d rather not have lots of people experience.

In the moment Moz 1.2 is not shown on the mozilla homepage (but it can still be downloaded), until 1.2.1 is released (soon).

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