Network-Overdose, andere Ansicht
Hier (und vor allem in den Kommentaren) über die Austauschbarkeit von Community-Daten nachgedacht. Dare Obasanjo (Program Manager @ Microsoft) sieht das ein wenig anders:
Inability to Export My Content from the Social Network: This is something that geeks complain about especially since they tend to join new social networking sites on a new basis but for the most part there isn’t a lot of end user demand for this kind of functionality based on my experience working closely with the folks behind Windows Live Spaces and keeping an eye on feedback about other social networking sites. There are two main reasons for this, the first is that there is little value of having the content that is unique to the social network site outside of the service. For example, my friends list on Facebook is only useful in the context of that site.[…]
For working professionals, things are a little different since they may have created content that has value outside the service (e.g. work-related blog postings related to their field of endeavor) so allowing data export in that context actually does serve a legitimate user need.
Mag sein, dass ich das wirklich vom Standpunkt des geeky working professional sehe. Das Flickr-Problem hat jedoch gezeigt, dass es durchaus Gründe geben kann, seinen Network-Anbieter zu wechseln (und sein Netzwerk mitzunehmen). In diesem Sinne gebraucht, würden solche Funktionen ein wenig Demokratie herstellen… so auf der Metaebene. ;) Vielleicht denken wir auch einfach ein wenig offener, als man das bei Microsoft kann.
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