Google Developer Day


Google ruft zum Google Developer Day am 31. Mai 2007, auch nach Hamburg!

Focusing on the theme “Building Blocks for Better Web Applications,” Google Developer Day will explore innovative uses of Google developer products to create and enhance applications, integrate with Google services and reach millions of users on Google and beyond.[…]

Google engineers and product experts at each location will lead sessions in topic areas such as, “Developing with Geo: Google Maps, Google Earth and SketchUp,” “Tools for Better Web Development: The Google Web Toolkit, Open Source and Other Developer Initiatives” and “Mashups and More: AJAX, Google Gadgets and the Google Data APIs.”

Holla die Waldfee, da will man ja vielleicht hin. Klar, eigentlich lieber nach Mountain View, aber wenn’s sein muss, reicht mir auch Hamburg. Obwohl: so richtig Google Developer will ich mich ja nun auch nicht schimpfen, **gg. [via Ajaxian].

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