Warblog Robot


Wow! Das finde ich natürlich zum _tot_lachen (obwohl es natürlich _tot_traurig ist): R. Robot, ein nettes Skript, das bei Eingabe eines Namens so einen richtig schönen Warblogger-Rant produziert. Und das mit einer Treffsicherheit, die erschreckend ist.

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Nico and witch hunting

by R. Robot

“Maybe we could get Afghanistan straightened out first,” says Nico. Grumble, grumble, grumble. The truth makes the funny little creatures who make up the wretched Fifth Column resort to unmistakably emotional insults and cries of “unconstitutional!” One of the depraved Saddamphiles, Nico attacks President Bush. “I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war,” he said. I suppose he’d rather invite a man twice as wicked as Hitler over and throw a garden party. However, in the end the case for the pro-war prosperity is the strongest one. The pro-Manhattan ilk bias in the media is pervasive. Nico has changed his tune again. “So turning Iraq into an oil colony is supposed to make Arabs excited about democracy?” he says. But this is standard political debate for the negligent cynics of the cultural elite, who respond to completely logical arguments with irrational name-calling.

“I have a few questions I’d like to ask about this,” says Nico. That’s not what Nico was saying last year.

One of the fork-tongued liberals, Nico distorts the position of Prime Minister Blair. “There could be some unwelcome consequences,” he said. This is why I could no longer write for Z Magazine, not with a clear conscience.

Vielleicht sind ja einige exponierte Warblogger wirklich bloß Robots. Natürlich von der CIA gesteuert, ganz klar!;-)

Thanks to The Aardvark Speaks for this link!

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